Kathryn Anderton

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The Design Process

When starting any new design work, the first thing I always do is research, research, research! I find whatever information I can get my hands on about the client goals, as well as the target audience and their preferences. Then I check out the competition and look at other businesses in the industry to determine common trends, and figure out how to stand out as different. 

I then create a mood board using stock images I find that resonate with the goals of the brand. Using color psychology and theory I choose 3-4 colors that resonate with the target audience and create the desired mood, often pulling those colors straight off of the images in the mood board. This is also when I choose some fonts, or a typeface utilizing typography skills to find a great match for the brand.

If I’m setting up a photoshoot I’ll begin looking for backdrops, props, and poses to incorporate, or if I’m designing a logo I’ll start sketching out ideas. Once the mood board is ready with images, colors, and typography, and I have a polished first draft of the logo, I’ll create a prototype or mock-ups to present for feedback.

The design process is iterative, and often requires many tweaks and adjustments until it’s just right, but this process is so rewarding when the final product is ready.