Kathryn Anderton

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5 Photo Worthy Places to Visit in Rhode Island

Since I haven’t been working or going anywhere these past few months due to Covid19 I’ve had a lot of time to think about all of the places I want to go!
I started pinning things on pinterest trying to find local gems I haven’t visited yet in Rhode Island, that might be less crowded than my usual digs and it turns out I’ve pretty thoroughly explored this little state I call home! I haven’t been everywhere but I definitely have a few favorites that I thought I’d share with you all!
These places are fun to explore and as such make awesome locations for photos too!

Number 5


Roger Williams park is a classic local favorite for families, date nights, proposals, weddings, and so much more! It’s beautifully manicured and has an awesome bridge and beautiful old trees which are the perfect backdrop for photos. You can even rent a swan boat and paddle around in the water! If you’re new or visiting RI, or a local who’s just never been don’t skip Roger Williams, there’s so much to see you’ll want to go back again! Which brings us to…

Number 4


ok, so this is technically part of Roger Williams Park but it deserves it’s own spot! The Botanical Center is the perfect place to go in the winter when the weather is gross and you don’t want to be outside.
It’s like a warm tropical paradise with exotic trees, flowers and other plants nestled inside a beautiful greenhouse that lets in plenty of gorgeous natural light! They even offer a scavenger hunt for the kids!

Number 3


The Ocean State has no shortage of beaches and they’re all great!
Some of my favorites are Scarborough, Roger Wheeler, and Narragansett Town Beach, but there are SO many, you could probably visit a new one every weekend!

Number 2


Nestled on a dirt back road in Foster this covered bridge is a rustic gem with the most quaint little stream running under it!
This bridge was built in honor of Rhode Island’s 350th birthday and was built 100% by local volunteers then burned by vandals shortly after and rebuilt again!

Number 1


I’m all about that lake life vibe and Pulaski Park is everything that feels like my childhood growing up in Rhode Island. It has a swimming hole, sand, grass, pine groves, fire pits, hiking trails and an adorable bridge!
I love bringing my family there in the summer and just spending the day. The kids play in the water and the sand and I pack a lunch. We can grill hotdogs and roast s’mores at one of the fire pits take a hike, go fishing. This place has it all nestled in a beautiful natural setting so if the kids are smiling and the weather is nice it’s almost impossible to take a bad photo here!

That’s only 5 of the many places you or your family could head out to explore this summer!
Should you find yourself planning an adventure that you’d like documented please contact me and we’ll plan a photo session!
I look forward to hearing from you!